Your professional partner
in testing technology for the electrical industry

You are involved in the manufacture of electronic devices or electronic components and you are looking for a partner who can manufacture the right test fixture for you. Whether it is a mechanical test fixture, a pneumatic test fixture or a vacuum or HF fixture - you have come to the right place. For test tasks with larger volumes we also offer inline test systems

customized test fixtures
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satisfied customers

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completed projects

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We are happy to support you in solving your testing tasks

...through competent customer-oriented advice

...through target-oriented CAD design

...through state-of-the-art production and manufacturing techniques

...through highly professional assembly

MOTECO is Europe's largest, product-independent testing technology manufacturer for electronic products.

Moteco Mitarbeiter Prüfadapterausbau
years experience
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Our success is based on the wealth of experience and the high quality awareness of our employees.

Hundreds of renowned companies worldwide trust the MOTECO brand

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Logo Confed
Logo Eldo
Logo Ewon
Logo Omicron
Logo Promoco
Logo Psicontrol
Logo Inspiro

Wir produzieren für Sie in Konstanz am Bodensee (Deutschland) – der Heimat von Erfindungsgeist,

Präzision und Qualität

Commitment to Quality

We are certified according to ISO 9001:2015.

We understand you

We will find the right solution

We take care

MOre as TEchnology and COmpetence